Healthy Heart Guide
There's lots you can do to keep your heart healthy - whatever your age.
Taking enough exercise, eating a healthy diet, encouraging children to be heart healthy and being aware of dangers such as smoking, drinking, high blood pressure and stress.
Prevention really is better than cure. Find out how you can help your heart stay healthy.
Heart disease is the first cause of death in men and women, greater than the next five causes of death combined!
Fortunately, there are ways to significantly lower your chances of developing heart disease and reverse the effects of a current heart condition you may or may not be aware of.
Lower cholesterol, triglycerides, homocysteine and CRP levels are a start to promoting healthy hearts.
At Healthy Heart Guide, our mission is to educate you about taking care of your heart, as well as the rest of your body. With a few lifestyle changes along with a heart healthy diet and exercise regimen, you can maintain a healthy heart for life!
Valuable tips for maintaining a healthy heart
Appropriate to add a proverb to heart healthy mind in a sound body to become the heart and mind in a sound body. Can keep the heart healthy, if it is able to maintain a proper diet which is not in the short and long run any risk to the arteries that feed the heart the basic components. You must keep the heart healthy and at full capacity and capabilities to be able to operate round the clock tirelessly to pump blood to all other areas of the body including the brain and the body of the heart itself.
Statistics show that was held in Britain that every two minutes from time, there is exposed to a heart attack in the whole country, which is more than the amount of exposure of the French or the Italians or Spaniards to this situation. Also, other heart disease is the biggest cause of death in this country is enjoying continued good health good care and guidance. The number of people who die because of angina pectoris of 140,000 people per year, one out of every four deaths among men and a woman from among the five women.
According to the latest estimates by the American Heart Association, over 64 million Americans have one or more forms of cardiovascular disease (CVD).
Is there a way to reduce the risk of heart disease?
Are there ways you can take to stop and return the wheel of time with regard to heart disease that hit any one of us?
The answer to these questions is yes and the way that might be accessible to virtually everyone. Is the basic guidance in this area in a slight change in the style of food which must be followed and something very simple style of life. Changing the quality of the oil do you use for cooking and to focus on the use of a lot of olive oil and some garlic and so is not only important to ward off heart disease, as in the case of the peoples of the Mediterranean Sea. There is a way of eating, for example, where it is as important as nutrition experts say that the baptized one of us to lunch "comfortable" any leisurely.
Heart disease Cause heart disease after the gathering masses of fat on the walls of blood vessels to narrow from the inside so the blood stream. This consists of the blocks when the reaction of a fatty acid called homocysteine with amino cholesterol to accumulate in the arteries that feed the heart. Also increase the amount of homocysteine may cause material damage to the material walls of the jacketed vessel, which will accelerate in the composition of the fat and with whom, where research showed that the increase in the amount of substance homocysteine in women has doubled the rate of heart disease.
Heart attack A heart attack occurs when a blockage in one of the arteries that supply the heart.
Either angina or diphtheria is chest pain caused as a result of lack of blood flow in the arteries after the pool of fatty substances. It usually occurs after the exercise of diphtheria type of sport or heavy exposure to psychological stress, which requires a pump larger quantities of oxygen to the heart to stay active as required.
Heart failure
It is a situation where the heart is unable to continue its work as appropriate and as needed for the body of oxygen to keep members fully recovered and the performance of their duties optimally.
Type of food and its effects Dr. Derek Ktng in his book "to stop a heart attack," It is the most important factors that could be used to protect against heart Ail is to address the individual at least five kernels of fruits and vegetables a day. Valfoake and vegetables rich in chemicals such as potassium chemical element is important for regulating heart rate and blood pressure control. Also, fruits and vegetables rich in elements of anti-oxidants that prevent the formation of cholesterol from the blocks on the walls of blood vessels and arteries of the heart as it helps to get rid of harmful chemical elements.
Says Professor Stephen Palmer, director of the Center to control the stress at City University in London that he can add anything from coffee, tea and some chocolate also adds "All of these materials rich in Alkatchinn flimsiest of Flavonoids are anti-oxidants help reduce cholesterol in the blood.
The intake of fatty fish such as sardines and Alanchovez three times a week of the factors that help a lot in maintaining their heart. Oily fish also contains the omega-3 fatty material, which helps Khvz proportion of cholesterol in the blood and called Turaigliserayd thus reducing the risk of a fatty gatherings. As vegetarians, they can address the fat Alrabesid, walnuts or soy oil that can benefit the body for the formation of omega-3.
Of factors other intake of carbohydrates such as pasta and brown bread, rice and potatoes, and the reduction of fatty substances and eating qualities that do not affect the increase in the proportion of cholesterol in the body.
Cholesterol Cholesterol enters the bloodstream and are transported by proteins called type - lipoprotein -. Type Allibobrotin non-Hamid, a type called low-density turns Allibobrotin chemical reaction called oxidative stress and is entering into the cells lining the walls of blood vessels to form small blocks that are causing the narrow stream and then close it permanently. Allibobrotin either high-density cholesterol is the type that Hamid Ienql cholesterol from the bloodstream and help protect against exposure to heart disease and hardening of the arteries.
Saturated fats such as butter, cream, cheese and animal fat free and coconut oil and similar products of oils raise the amount of cholesterol is benign, which requires less of them completely. You can use small amounts of unsaturated fats such as corn oil and sunflower oil, soybean oil and fish oil where it works like this Alzion to reduce both types of cholesterol, so it is better to use olive oil or walnut oil or avocado, which is based on reducing the amount of Allibobrotin and low density without affecting Allibobrotin to high density.
Lifestyle and their effects on heart disease
As already noted, it is not only the quality of eating that way, but Taatnaoulih who used the food also have a significant impact on heart disease.
Professor Palmer says that research conducted indicated clearly that the people of the kind - a - people are always aggressive competitors who are moving a lot and speak and eat quickly be their chance of heart disease 40% more lethal than others. People kind of - a - give up more than others for many of the psychological stress hormones are hormones that help our ancestors had to defend themselves in their struggle with the ferocious beasts did not originally designed to cope with the demands of civilization from the psychological stress of another kind. Professor Palmer says, "You said you take things simply and realize that you arrive late is not always to the end of the world."
If it took that breath for a temper Vatalekayaa loud cry or something discreet.
It is important to develop the ability to express what beats in your chest, it is very useful for the heart. The Dr. Dean Aorneshoho of the pioneers in the use of a diet and exercise and life style to return to normal condition of the heart with emotion in a healthy manner, through revealing what innermost feelings of your chest. Recent research has shown that this method of importance in the treatment of many diseases, not just heart disease. If you want to avoid any clash of any kind, you can resort to something such as beating a pillow for example, or walking or jogging, one of the events that are often used to vent a crisis situation within the human psyche. He also advises Dr. Dean in his book "Love and Survival" that Tmayi to the participation of others in al-Sadr's participation in the innermost others what you feel benefit the heart and makes it more healthier. Also, self-care and pay attention to what your body needs from the comfort of your mind and have the greatest influence on keeping the heart healthy and well.
Some good habits Avoid some of the habits harmful to heart health, smoking is the most important of the reported statistics of the Ministry of Health said that 45 000 deaths, one heart disease was caused by smoking. It is important to recall that the damage caused by addiction to smoking is possible to recover from the body over time after smoking cessation. Ten years after the reduced chance of a heart disease for those who were smoking and become completely equal to those who did not smoke at all.
Aerobics Walking, swimming, sporting events, the task that help reduce the chance of a heart disease. Can effectively exercise five times a week, at least for a period of half an hour at a time. In the end, do not forget the psychological Valastrecha sporting events and pay attention to extraneous self is important in maintaining heart health and the sustainability of its activities
* * * Sleep is essential for heart health!
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