Friday, October 29, 2010

Health of pregnant women

Health of pregnant women It is natural to increase the weight of a pregnant woman from 8-10 kg during pregnancy, and pregnant always eager to restore the weight of the past, and in order to reach this result should not follow the system run the risk of starvation during pregnancy, if not increased, and weighing more than 4-5 kg until birth, this will affect negatively on the thin and the new baby, the child generates a slim or preterm, and be fast damage, and the mother finds herself exhausted after giving birth because they were not fed well throughout the nine months.

Weight remains on what was pregnant during the first trimester of pregnancy, if it allowed itself to an increase of 4-5 kg in the first two months of pregnancy was the convergence of great difficulty to remove them after the birth when you think of recovery and normal weight.

When more than the weight of a pregnant woman?
Over weight usually in the second and third quarters of pregnancy, especially in the last two months when the growing rate of growth of the fetus until 400-500 grams per week. To prevent weight gain is natural in the first months of pregnancy: reducing sugars and sugary drinks, biscuits, sweets or omissions and to avoid foods rich in lipids.

Food is better for a pregnant woman is: milk, vegetables and fruits
Ataatbdl to physiological needs a lot when pregnant in the first months of pregnancy, but may need in the second chapter of her pregnancy to some of the luxuries of food. This does not mean food cravings, but food must be organized so that it becomes healthy and moderately active to remain pregnant and resist fatigue. Must give great importance of milk and milk products (supplier of calcium and protein) and vegetables and fresh fruits (rich in vitamins and minerals) and give preference to the following foods:
* Half a liter milk per day.
* Cheese, two pieces of 60-80 grams per day.
* Meat, fish and eggs 150 grams per day.
* Fresh fruits and vegetables with every meal.
Attention must be given breakfast and are rich in nutrients after the fetus grows and takes place more. At the end of pregnancy, replaced by the three main meals four or five light meals a day.

How to avoid nausea and Izaaajath pregnant?
Of course it may appear at the beginning of pregnancy morning sickness lasts annoying sometimes even the fourth month, and you can be pregnant Taatvadah eat solid foods early, and before getting out of bed (biscuits or fruit). To avoid intestinal bloating and acidity on the stand to the division of food and snacks and multiple choice is easy to digest food (while avoiding fatty sauces, mayonnaise, fried foods) and not lying down on the bed directly after eating.
To avoid the laziness of the intestine which increases during pregnancy is usually treated by drinking plenty of fluids and eat regularly for fresh fruits and vegetables and exercise a little physical exercise. And must not use laxatives without medical advice.
According to the carrier fluid because the fetus does secrete remains Mahroqath Roasabh and by his mother's urinary tract must therefore ensure adequate amount of fluids in order to receive urinate easily. The best fluid is water and fruit juice, which may Ataathmlh pregnant so much due to acidity.
Finally, a pregnant woman to monitor her diet is good for the quality  to avoid food poisoning and prevent the transmission of parasites to her stomach because it hurt the fetus, and it should refrain from alcoholic beverages that may be poisoning the child, and reduce tea and coffee to prevent the passage of caffeine at the fetal blood Vtjolh disturbed, and not to eat raw meat to avoid the risk of transmission of parasites. Regular and healthy food helps the proper functioning of this important period for the pregnant and the fetus.

How to avoid burning pregnant and difficult to digest?
May result in the hormone progesterone to relax the muscles of the stomach and intestines They affect the process of digestion, as well as affect the discharge stomach acid which leads to burning sensation, advises Dr. Amoudi consultative gynecology and obstetrics, and infertility hospital safety to avoid eating citrus fruits, pickles, incendiaries, and diversification of diets with no fluid intake invasive , as well as the development of more than a pillow when you sleep, raising the head so as not to affect the acidity of the esophagus, If none of these simple tips here can be used to antacids

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